And this was the result:

It was fun laying out the first drafts of what will be my table plan.
And although I thought there wouldn't be any discussions on who'd feel more important being closer to the top table, it was discussed most intently!! Apparently, (or so my parents feel) the closer you are to the top table, the more important you are.
To be honest, I tend to get put near the back at most weddings I'm at, (unless it's my sisters of course!!) so I don't really think people would mind too much, but my aunts and uncles (on both sides) will apprently be offended if put in the middle row, rather than the front row.
Well there isn't enough room on the front row! We're having five tables, and I wanted my sister and boys on one, and Steve's brothers and Louise on another and then grandparents, which means two Cranston/Thompson tables and Dad says Aunty Joan should be on the first row which means Biggin cousins, whereas Mum wants Riley family on the first row too, which means six tables there, and less visability according to Dad.
I don't know, it's all one debate after another! Can't wait to see it all finished and pretty though!
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