I'm up at a crazy early time most mornings now, today was 6.30 and considering it's a Sunday you may wonder why and why I have a compulsion to blog about it! I just think this will be something I can look back on to remember how I felt before the day and I've pretty much put everything in here wedding wise. I'll make it accessible to all after the day, and won't mind others reading it, but I thought it was nice to keep it private in the run up. More like a secret for me to keep that way.
Ok, the practise run yesterday afternoon. It was good, and certainly worth it. We discovered that I couldn't make it to the front in time walking in from the point we'd thought of. Mum goes first with the boys holding their cushions, and that was fine. Then it was origionally going to be Sarah on her own, and Amy 30 seconds later, but it's now changed so those two are going together (I think they're quite glad about that)and me and Dad walking from the Tower room at the start of the bridge (You can run into my arms) which means I turn the corner and get the bit where Steve will see me at the wail part he likes! Dad keeps calling it a scream but it's not that bad, it's just a high note then at the 'When the Sun Shines' I'll set off on the other bit of aisle! And Dad really wants to process in the shuffely mayor sort of way which I'm finding quite slow! I know all brides say take it slow and enjoy it, but whether I will or not is another question!
Anyway, on with the post. I was still busy last night and didn't get to bed early at all! I made two little dickie bows for the boys - again another job I'd been putting off thinking it'd be a fath, but it wasn't. I always seem to forget how much I enjoy sewing! Here's a little peek for you:

They're made with some spare bits of the sash I ordered for my dress in the same fabric as my bridesmaids dresses so they match perfectly. I ordered them silver to start with but they were two pale, then lilac which did say boys dickie boys but arrived to be huge, and would look far too comedy large under their little chins! So we decided on the home made route again to get the colour spot on!
I just have to take the elastic off the silver ones to add to these instead but couldn't last night due to afore mentioned boys sleeping in that room!
And then Dad managed to cut out all the table names in perfect symmetry, and the purple bits to go in my frames, so now I am going to sit and glue them together and pop them in the frames so that they're all done.
Then this afternoon, I shall maybe have a go at the table plan and see if we can sort out which table will go where, next to whom and do some playing with my A1 mounting card! I do hope it all fits in the frame! Oh, and the menu's are going to be glued today as well.
And we will see whether Chris has made it back or not and is at Church today! Which means we have two ministers! We've said they can share it between them as Matt has already thought about his address.
And I'm sure I'll think of other things to add here later on!
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