Friday, 23 April 2010


Nine days to go.

Last night I began laying out what I thought was a lovely table plan. I'd got the idea from one I'd seen online, where the tables were named after films (of a romantic nature) and they'd printed out little pictures of the couples in the films looking romantic and put their lists of names over them. It looked good, it really did.

So I found pictures too and printed them all out the same size and they did look brilliant. I began laying them out in a bit of an order, and then Steve popped round.

We had a quick meeting with Matt, our step-in marryer, which went well btw, and he headed off, and Steve saw the table plan and suddenly, everything was changed.

He secretly likes ALL the films I've chosen, he just doesn't want others to know he secretly likes them. Which to me seems pretentious to want pompous films that we've not even enjoyed together, whereas these are all family friendly, entertaining flicks that we both have enjoyed.

Tch. He doesn't half make me cross at times, and bringing this on me 10 days before the wedding.

But, I don't want to come across as selfish, this is our wedding day, and if I can do anything to make him actually like it, then I will. So I'm overhauling all the table names and starting again from scratch. I won't use pictures as I think I'll go for a neater, more classy set out, and hopefully Steve will like it.

He did ring me up before sleep sounding a bit hang dog and sheepish saying that he really did appreciate me looking at the names again and he promises me a wonderful wedding day. Which was sweet.

I just worry that my mum thinks we're squabbling, which granted, from time to time we do, but last night was more playful banter, and Steve testing the waters to see how far he'd get. Which was quite far really!

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