It's now nearly four weeks since our wonderful wedding day, and having had two weeks in Mexico the thank you's are rather behind now.
I've sat this evening and made thirty simply thank you cards, and have fifty to go!!
I deliberated for a while on getting photocards made but it would have cost quite a bit via bonusprint, or any other photo company, so what I've done is bought 80 blank folded white cards with envelopes, and 80 small pictures from our 'official' pics so I'll pop a picture in each one when we send it out.
Folk have been so very generous, it's been so lovely! We had so many cards and gifts of church friends and it was all unexpected. Steve says as I've had the gift list (hmm, debateable) he should be able to choose what the money goes on which is likely going to be a new tv for the lounge.
Our new bed is arriving tomorrow, and mum and dad will be getting us a shed to replace my old one which'll be great and we can re-do the garden up!
We're settling into married life here, Steve is very grumpy in the mornings and says that I don't budge over in bed and take up too much room. Humpf. He can talk.
Anyway, as this was my wedding blog and all about the planning, I guess it'll cease now. I may get round to adding my pictures, but maybe not!!
I hope this helps anyone else who finds it though and offers inspiration and confidence in own plans :)
Weddings are brilliant, and I've loved planning mine so very much!
All the best,
Love Kate x
I'm getting married on the 2nd May 2010, and this is a record of all the things I'm thinking about in preperation for the Big Day!
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Our Honeymoon, Going Home
Well, today is the day we head home. After sleeping in best we could, (we both suffered tremendous indigestion and bad tummies from the extremely rich food) we were up and out for 11.30. I had a cup of tea and a slice of toast for breakfast, Steve had nothing but extra sleep! Then we dosed up on immodium as we were worried about our tummies being on a plane!!
We were collected by coach and got to the airport for about 2.30 and checked in to get the last pair of seats together and by a window! That made us very chuffed!
We had a bite to eat in a TGI Fridays before the journey, giant burgers which were lovely after buffet food for two weeks!
Then off we went, on the plane and back to England. It didn't feel like my birthday to be honest, we were quite cramped, and the meals weren't great. We were on a night flight so the lights go off so folk can sleep and I managed a couple of hours, Steve stayed awake playing golf on the computer screen, but I felt quite squished and stiff on waking.
Then it was 7.30am and we were back in England. It was cold, and took us an hour to get our suitcases and then heading out, there were Mum and Dad come to get us! And Mum gave me a bag with presents in which was nice, and homeward bound we were.
We got dropped off and Mum had even stocked the fridge up with a birthday lunch for me and there were hundreds of wedding cards to open so we did that first, then napped, and Mum came round in the afternoon too, and we chatted (Steve hadn't woken from his nap) and I began the chore that is washing the holiday clothes and that was it. We were home!
The wedding presents were delivered that afternoon so that involved a lot of opening and sorting and finding homes but it was a job well done and we went to bed early to sleep for 13 hours!!
Mr and Mrs Cranston!! Hee hee!!
We were collected by coach and got to the airport for about 2.30 and checked in to get the last pair of seats together and by a window! That made us very chuffed!
We had a bite to eat in a TGI Fridays before the journey, giant burgers which were lovely after buffet food for two weeks!
Then off we went, on the plane and back to England. It didn't feel like my birthday to be honest, we were quite cramped, and the meals weren't great. We were on a night flight so the lights go off so folk can sleep and I managed a couple of hours, Steve stayed awake playing golf on the computer screen, but I felt quite squished and stiff on waking.
Then it was 7.30am and we were back in England. It was cold, and took us an hour to get our suitcases and then heading out, there were Mum and Dad come to get us! And Mum gave me a bag with presents in which was nice, and homeward bound we were.
We got dropped off and Mum had even stocked the fridge up with a birthday lunch for me and there were hundreds of wedding cards to open so we did that first, then napped, and Mum came round in the afternoon too, and we chatted (Steve hadn't woken from his nap) and I began the chore that is washing the holiday clothes and that was it. We were home!
The wedding presents were delivered that afternoon so that involved a lot of opening and sorting and finding homes but it was a job well done and we went to bed early to sleep for 13 hours!!
Mr and Mrs Cranston!! Hee hee!!
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Our Honeymoon day 14
Our last day here! Day 14 and the ash cloud is back and possibly preventing us from getting home!
We've had an amazing time, but are both ready to go home now! We've packed and left a couple of outfits out and will just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow! Steve thinks having an extra night would be fun, as long as it was in a different place.
We stayed in the room for the morning, watching The It Crowd on Steve's laptop, and then kept having people knock on the door offering us more strawberries and champagne and carrying towels!! It turned out that Steve had booked us a romantic honeymoon and birthday meal for our last night!
At 7.00pm we went up to the Terrace bar for a drink beforehand, and there were a few spots of rain which we thought was nice as it was still hot, but the mugginess wasn't as bad!
We walked along to the candlelit gazebo which was set up for us on the beach, they'd swept all the sand and put luminaries along to make a path for us! It was so gorgeous a setting, and Steve had done it all on his own :)
We had a first course which was cured meats and salad, and then the rain started again. Our waiter suggested we move into a restaurant and we're glad we did becuase then the heavens opened and the rain came down harder than anything I've ever known before! Thunder and lightening filled the sky and Steve thought it was brilliant. The rain was coming in through the sides of the restaurant as they didn't have walls, just a bit of canvas, and my feet were soaking and I actually felt chilly with it all! We didn't eat our second course, it was an odd tasting soup and then out came the main, lobster and steak! The lobster was in it's shell and the steak was a rare fillet! It was fabulous.
For pudding we had a white chocolate creme brulee, and then Steve had told them it was my birthday so we had a birthday cake, with the waiters singing happy birthday and I was issued a tequila in a peculiar way! The waiter held my head and fed it to me, and then covered my head with a napkin and shook it! Very bizarre!
Then we went back to our room to find a 'newly married' banner on the door and more beautiful towel art on our bed, with scattered rose petals! We were very tispy from all the champagne and it had been a wonderful evening despite the rain.
We've had an amazing time, but are both ready to go home now! We've packed and left a couple of outfits out and will just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow! Steve thinks having an extra night would be fun, as long as it was in a different place.
We stayed in the room for the morning, watching The It Crowd on Steve's laptop, and then kept having people knock on the door offering us more strawberries and champagne and carrying towels!! It turned out that Steve had booked us a romantic honeymoon and birthday meal for our last night!
At 7.00pm we went up to the Terrace bar for a drink beforehand, and there were a few spots of rain which we thought was nice as it was still hot, but the mugginess wasn't as bad!
We walked along to the candlelit gazebo which was set up for us on the beach, they'd swept all the sand and put luminaries along to make a path for us! It was so gorgeous a setting, and Steve had done it all on his own :)
We had a first course which was cured meats and salad, and then the rain started again. Our waiter suggested we move into a restaurant and we're glad we did becuase then the heavens opened and the rain came down harder than anything I've ever known before! Thunder and lightening filled the sky and Steve thought it was brilliant. The rain was coming in through the sides of the restaurant as they didn't have walls, just a bit of canvas, and my feet were soaking and I actually felt chilly with it all! We didn't eat our second course, it was an odd tasting soup and then out came the main, lobster and steak! The lobster was in it's shell and the steak was a rare fillet! It was fabulous.
For pudding we had a white chocolate creme brulee, and then Steve had told them it was my birthday so we had a birthday cake, with the waiters singing happy birthday and I was issued a tequila in a peculiar way! The waiter held my head and fed it to me, and then covered my head with a napkin and shook it! Very bizarre!
Then we went back to our room to find a 'newly married' banner on the door and more beautiful towel art on our bed, with scattered rose petals! We were very tispy from all the champagne and it had been a wonderful evening despite the rain.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 12
Friday again and two days left after this one.
This has really been a surreal two weeks together, and we've got on really well in all honesty! I did wonder how we'd do, never really have been in each others company as much.
Today was a day of relaxing, all day! We got up early and off Steve went to film another sunrise, and we pretty much sat on the beach all day until 5pm! We did have some breakfast, lunch and dinner along the way, oh, and Steve stubbed his toe and took a gouge of it which was bleeding all over the place and he was suddenly glad of my first aid kit!!
We had to bandage him up quite a bit, there was a lot of blood and everytime he stood on it, more blood and persuading him to rest it up was difficult.
I read Rebecca today by Daphne Du Maurier, and it was wonderful. I don't know how it can have taken me 30 years to read it through, but I'm so glad I did. What a story! It really engaged me, and the forward was very interesting too, about the subtexts and Daphne's life.
Steve is on his third book, and is now into Ben Elton - Dead Famous.
It's nice to have the time to read, and especially by the seaside beside the sea.
We returned to the steak house for dinner and used our last a la carte voucher. Steve had another t-bone (he will be looking like a steak on the way home) and I had a rack of ribs. Utterly delicious!
We then sat by the beach watching the stars and Steve filmed them. It actually felt chilly too in the sea breeze! The stars are incredibly bright over the sea, we saw orion and the plough and the north star and as that's all we know how to identify, we probably saw more constellations but didn't know what they were!!
This has really been a surreal two weeks together, and we've got on really well in all honesty! I did wonder how we'd do, never really have been in each others company as much.
Today was a day of relaxing, all day! We got up early and off Steve went to film another sunrise, and we pretty much sat on the beach all day until 5pm! We did have some breakfast, lunch and dinner along the way, oh, and Steve stubbed his toe and took a gouge of it which was bleeding all over the place and he was suddenly glad of my first aid kit!!
We had to bandage him up quite a bit, there was a lot of blood and everytime he stood on it, more blood and persuading him to rest it up was difficult.
I read Rebecca today by Daphne Du Maurier, and it was wonderful. I don't know how it can have taken me 30 years to read it through, but I'm so glad I did. What a story! It really engaged me, and the forward was very interesting too, about the subtexts and Daphne's life.
Steve is on his third book, and is now into Ben Elton - Dead Famous.
It's nice to have the time to read, and especially by the seaside beside the sea.
We returned to the steak house for dinner and used our last a la carte voucher. Steve had another t-bone (he will be looking like a steak on the way home) and I had a rack of ribs. Utterly delicious!
We then sat by the beach watching the stars and Steve filmed them. It actually felt chilly too in the sea breeze! The stars are incredibly bright over the sea, we saw orion and the plough and the north star and as that's all we know how to identify, we probably saw more constellations but didn't know what they were!!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 11
Today was the day we'd planned to visit XPlor, a new theme park situated close to our hotel. We were out by 8.30 and Steve even allowed us to take a taxi rather than walk miles in the heat to the collectivo point! I acquiesed that we could take the collectivo on the way back once we knew where we were going.
So off we headed with our ticket voucher we'd bought last week and were one of the first folk there. We got our wristbands, (all trips seem to be all inclusive here with lunches and drinks provided) and were issued helmets and a locker. We found our way along through tunnels with lots of stalegmites and stalemtights and right in the centre of the park was a big heart and all activites went from that point which did make it a nice and easy way to work around.
We dropped off my bag and dosed up on sun cream and headed straight for the zip lines. There were over 2.2 miles of them and it wasn't until we were up on the towers (8 of them) that we could appreciate what a size this park was! It was mainly over the jungle and trees for the zip lines, through the trees for the jeep driving, and under neath in the caverns for the other activities.
We were harnessed up and then set off. Once up the first tower there were two routes, so we opted for the first and sailed away above the trees, clipped on each one and some we were pushed for a fast journey and others we went at a more pleasurable speed! On one of them, we had to go down a tower and rather than stairs it was a water slide!! I was in shorts and got stuck a couple of times but the water was pretty cold! We were drenched for most of the day. There were also three water landings in the 1.5 miles of zip wires which I wasn't partial to, as you went though a water fall and were then hitting the water at such a speed it fired up in your face and I worried about my contact lenses and the first time I wasn't prepared and took a noseful :( Steve liked the water more than the height of some whereas I liked the high ones!
After the zip lines we then did rafting through underground caverns on little plastic rafts with paddles that strapped to our hands, and then some driving round in a John Deere jeep which Steve loved and there were many corners and bumps and some water pits and caves too.
Then it was time for lunch (time flies here!) so we headed for the restaurant and had buffet (it's all buffet over here!) and Steve was feeling the heat, and I'd suggested doing the second route in the jeep, but he wanted something cooler so suggested the river swim.
We found our way there and this was swimming through caves for about 30 minutes and we had to wear an inflatable thing that hooked between our legs. This came in very useful for me once in the water, and yes, it was cold, but that wasn't an excuse for Steve to stand whimpering on the side for 15 minutes! It was his idea in the first place! Anyway, my life jacket held me up in the water and with the underleg support, it was like I was sitting in a chair, so I was able to bob away to my hearts content and just skull my way around the caves! It was most relaxing indeed and Steve kept teasing me that I was sitting on my throne but I liked it.
After that whilst wet, we did hammocking, which was a bit like zip lines although we were in a sitting hammock going down a line with a water landing which was lots of fun and then we opted for the second jeep driving to dry off and I had a go too at an underground bit.
We'd done everything by about 3 so headed out after returning our helmets to find a collectivo stop and a taxi pulled up. 'Collectivo' we informed him, and he offered to drive us to Puerto Aventuras for the same! '20 pesos each' we queried, 'si' he replied, so bonus! Taxi back for 40 pesos!! Admittedly there was a bit of walk to the hotel, but we spotted a capy bara on the way so Steve had to acknowledge I wasn't making it up when I'd seen one outside the hotel last Sunday!
Then it was to the pool, and a rum and coke all round and here I am, typing i up to remember what a wonderfully fun day we had with some excellent and new experiences!
So off we headed with our ticket voucher we'd bought last week and were one of the first folk there. We got our wristbands, (all trips seem to be all inclusive here with lunches and drinks provided) and were issued helmets and a locker. We found our way along through tunnels with lots of stalegmites and stalemtights and right in the centre of the park was a big heart and all activites went from that point which did make it a nice and easy way to work around.
We dropped off my bag and dosed up on sun cream and headed straight for the zip lines. There were over 2.2 miles of them and it wasn't until we were up on the towers (8 of them) that we could appreciate what a size this park was! It was mainly over the jungle and trees for the zip lines, through the trees for the jeep driving, and under neath in the caverns for the other activities.
We were harnessed up and then set off. Once up the first tower there were two routes, so we opted for the first and sailed away above the trees, clipped on each one and some we were pushed for a fast journey and others we went at a more pleasurable speed! On one of them, we had to go down a tower and rather than stairs it was a water slide!! I was in shorts and got stuck a couple of times but the water was pretty cold! We were drenched for most of the day. There were also three water landings in the 1.5 miles of zip wires which I wasn't partial to, as you went though a water fall and were then hitting the water at such a speed it fired up in your face and I worried about my contact lenses and the first time I wasn't prepared and took a noseful :( Steve liked the water more than the height of some whereas I liked the high ones!
After the zip lines we then did rafting through underground caverns on little plastic rafts with paddles that strapped to our hands, and then some driving round in a John Deere jeep which Steve loved and there were many corners and bumps and some water pits and caves too.
Then it was time for lunch (time flies here!) so we headed for the restaurant and had buffet (it's all buffet over here!) and Steve was feeling the heat, and I'd suggested doing the second route in the jeep, but he wanted something cooler so suggested the river swim.
We found our way there and this was swimming through caves for about 30 minutes and we had to wear an inflatable thing that hooked between our legs. This came in very useful for me once in the water, and yes, it was cold, but that wasn't an excuse for Steve to stand whimpering on the side for 15 minutes! It was his idea in the first place! Anyway, my life jacket held me up in the water and with the underleg support, it was like I was sitting in a chair, so I was able to bob away to my hearts content and just skull my way around the caves! It was most relaxing indeed and Steve kept teasing me that I was sitting on my throne but I liked it.
After that whilst wet, we did hammocking, which was a bit like zip lines although we were in a sitting hammock going down a line with a water landing which was lots of fun and then we opted for the second jeep driving to dry off and I had a go too at an underground bit.
We'd done everything by about 3 so headed out after returning our helmets to find a collectivo stop and a taxi pulled up. 'Collectivo' we informed him, and he offered to drive us to Puerto Aventuras for the same! '20 pesos each' we queried, 'si' he replied, so bonus! Taxi back for 40 pesos!! Admittedly there was a bit of walk to the hotel, but we spotted a capy bara on the way so Steve had to acknowledge I wasn't making it up when I'd seen one outside the hotel last Sunday!
Then it was to the pool, and a rum and coke all round and here I am, typing i up to remember what a wonderfully fun day we had with some excellent and new experiences!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 10
I can't believe it's been 10 days already. It's going so fast, but seeming like we're a world away at the same time. It's been a fabulous few days together at any rate! And a few more to go too :)
today we got up later, and had a late breakfast and then lazed by the sea. Steve read his book and I read mine and bobbed in the sea a bit. Steve I think missed his brothers at some points, as my idea of relaxing is just bobbing around in the sea, and Steve wants to throw me and wrestle with me which just isn't my idea of fun!
We then swam a bit in the pools after a lunch time siesta and then had a light tea at the Tapas Bar which was lovely. We had a lovely outside table and watched the sunset, with a glass of champagne which the waiters gave us as it was our second visit! It was a most romantic evening indeed.
And a lovely relaxing day all in all. I like the alternating of relaxing with activity!
today we got up later, and had a late breakfast and then lazed by the sea. Steve read his book and I read mine and bobbed in the sea a bit. Steve I think missed his brothers at some points, as my idea of relaxing is just bobbing around in the sea, and Steve wants to throw me and wrestle with me which just isn't my idea of fun!
We then swam a bit in the pools after a lunch time siesta and then had a light tea at the Tapas Bar which was lovely. We had a lovely outside table and watched the sunset, with a glass of champagne which the waiters gave us as it was our second visit! It was a most romantic evening indeed.
And a lovely relaxing day all in all. I like the alternating of relaxing with activity!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 9
This was the day of fishing! When we got here Steve had made enquiries about it and there weren't any 'official' trips so when we went to see the Marina, we'd booked a boat to take us out for four hours of fishing and one hour of snorkelling with turtles.
I was a little wary of it, I'd never been sea fishing before, and lets face it, fishing is not my thing, but Steve was so very excited and he wanted me to go with him, so off we went.
It was an early start, we had to be there for 8.00am so we had an early breakfast and walked the short distance to the marina. We met the guys there, and boarded the 'Liam'!! I know, funny name for a boat, but it was a lovely little thing. We had a guy sailing it, and another doing the rods for us, (well, Steve,) and I sat and then we were away and it was quite smooth to start with, but that was with us in the Marina!
Once we were out at sea, it was all I could do to stay seated. I sat on the middle of the boat with one leg bracing myself on the side seat and kept looking ahead! I asked if this was considered rough water, and aparently it wasn't!! My word, I could not imagine being out in worse than that! I couldn't understand how the boat stayed on top of the waves rather than under!
Almost immediatly, the guy on our level shouted and grabbed a rod which he gave Steve, and Steve reeled and reeled and I saw a flash of blue and sort of said, I can see blue, is it the bait?! and it wasn't, it was a mahi mahi fish, about 1.5 long and then the sailer guy grabbed a rod with a big hook and stabbed it through the middle to bring it in! No net or anything, and there was a lot of blood too. Steve thought it was great, and we sat back down and carried on.
Then there was nothing, and we'd been sailing for 2 hours when we got to Akumel Beach and looking over the side, there were turtles! Just like on Finding Nemo! They looked really chilled out and just drifting lazily, this way and that way, and we got our snorkal gear on and went off the boat for swimming.
This was only my third go at snorkelling and to start with, I seem to forget to breath so I did struggle a little but I got the hang of it, and at one point there were three turtles around me! We swam above them for about 40 minutes and then they seemed to head off, so we boarded again, and set sail for another 2 hours of fishing. And this is where my queasiness set in. Coming against the tide had felt bouncy but not too bad, but going with the tide, with the back of the boat being flung around, I suddenly had to concentrate very hard on not being sick. It really was hard work and I couldn't talk much.
Then about 1.30 hours later, another rod was thrust at Steve and he set to with the reeling and the boat stopping helped my sickness and I grabbed my camera and Steve really was setting to with a bigger fish! It was another mahi mahi and it flung itself out of the water and went from left to right and back again. Steve kept reeling it in and it was caught! Into the ice box it went and then 'thump, thump' it kept reminding us it was in there :(
We then got back to base for 1pm and they took the smaller of the fish, skinned and filleted it for us and gave it us to take away back to the hotel. We walked back, pretty sunburnt but happy.
On getting to the hotel, we had to sign a disclaimer saying we were eating something that wasn't hotel food, and then they took it and we sat down with a bit to nibble whilst we waited. We weren't sure whether to go up and collect it ourselves, when a chef made his way over with a big platter and it was Steve's mahi mahi!! It was so lovely, it was on salad and carrots and all beautifully laid out! It had been cooked on a grill and they even supplied a bowl of tasty oil dressing to go with it!
We got a plate of rice from the buffet to go on the side, and it was the most delightful meal, delicious and simple, rice and fish but knowing it was Steve's fish made it more tasty! Steve ate a lot of it and couldn't bear for any to go to waste!
Then, in the afternoon we took a siesta, the hot noon sun had taken it out of us, and my arms were pretty burnt despite my applications of sun lotion due to the sea spray out on the boat. The motion of the ocean plagued me all afternoon too! I still felt as though I was on a boat.
Dinner was a light one at the buffet restaurant on the Yucatan side. Steve said he wasn't hungry and just ate cakes, and I had a light nibble too.
It was a good day :) And we got some great pictures!
I was a little wary of it, I'd never been sea fishing before, and lets face it, fishing is not my thing, but Steve was so very excited and he wanted me to go with him, so off we went.
It was an early start, we had to be there for 8.00am so we had an early breakfast and walked the short distance to the marina. We met the guys there, and boarded the 'Liam'!! I know, funny name for a boat, but it was a lovely little thing. We had a guy sailing it, and another doing the rods for us, (well, Steve,) and I sat and then we were away and it was quite smooth to start with, but that was with us in the Marina!
Once we were out at sea, it was all I could do to stay seated. I sat on the middle of the boat with one leg bracing myself on the side seat and kept looking ahead! I asked if this was considered rough water, and aparently it wasn't!! My word, I could not imagine being out in worse than that! I couldn't understand how the boat stayed on top of the waves rather than under!
Almost immediatly, the guy on our level shouted and grabbed a rod which he gave Steve, and Steve reeled and reeled and I saw a flash of blue and sort of said, I can see blue, is it the bait?! and it wasn't, it was a mahi mahi fish, about 1.5 long and then the sailer guy grabbed a rod with a big hook and stabbed it through the middle to bring it in! No net or anything, and there was a lot of blood too. Steve thought it was great, and we sat back down and carried on.
Then there was nothing, and we'd been sailing for 2 hours when we got to Akumel Beach and looking over the side, there were turtles! Just like on Finding Nemo! They looked really chilled out and just drifting lazily, this way and that way, and we got our snorkal gear on and went off the boat for swimming.
This was only my third go at snorkelling and to start with, I seem to forget to breath so I did struggle a little but I got the hang of it, and at one point there were three turtles around me! We swam above them for about 40 minutes and then they seemed to head off, so we boarded again, and set sail for another 2 hours of fishing. And this is where my queasiness set in. Coming against the tide had felt bouncy but not too bad, but going with the tide, with the back of the boat being flung around, I suddenly had to concentrate very hard on not being sick. It really was hard work and I couldn't talk much.
Then about 1.30 hours later, another rod was thrust at Steve and he set to with the reeling and the boat stopping helped my sickness and I grabbed my camera and Steve really was setting to with a bigger fish! It was another mahi mahi and it flung itself out of the water and went from left to right and back again. Steve kept reeling it in and it was caught! Into the ice box it went and then 'thump, thump' it kept reminding us it was in there :(
We then got back to base for 1pm and they took the smaller of the fish, skinned and filleted it for us and gave it us to take away back to the hotel. We walked back, pretty sunburnt but happy.
On getting to the hotel, we had to sign a disclaimer saying we were eating something that wasn't hotel food, and then they took it and we sat down with a bit to nibble whilst we waited. We weren't sure whether to go up and collect it ourselves, when a chef made his way over with a big platter and it was Steve's mahi mahi!! It was so lovely, it was on salad and carrots and all beautifully laid out! It had been cooked on a grill and they even supplied a bowl of tasty oil dressing to go with it!
We got a plate of rice from the buffet to go on the side, and it was the most delightful meal, delicious and simple, rice and fish but knowing it was Steve's fish made it more tasty! Steve ate a lot of it and couldn't bear for any to go to waste!
Then, in the afternoon we took a siesta, the hot noon sun had taken it out of us, and my arms were pretty burnt despite my applications of sun lotion due to the sea spray out on the boat. The motion of the ocean plagued me all afternoon too! I still felt as though I was on a boat.
Dinner was a light one at the buffet restaurant on the Yucatan side. Steve said he wasn't hungry and just ate cakes, and I had a light nibble too.
It was a good day :) And we got some great pictures!
Monday, 10 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 8
After a couple of pretty eventful days, we had a day just lounging around the beach and pool today. Steve is insistant that I'm tanning, I'm not sure, I'm still finding the heat a little much and feel very red and shiny most of the time, but I have admit, I have lines that I think need working on! Not that I'd dare go topless, I don't think, some have here, mainly French/German, but me? Hmm, I don't know!! Instead I'm wearing my variety of bikinis and trying to keep strap marks at bay by alternating halternecks with shoulder straps!
In the evening we went along to the Italian restaurant, there are four a la cartes here, the Japanese, the Mexican, the Steak House and the Italian so we wanted to work our way around. It was very pleasant, but we did prefer the steak house and Mexican as our favourites although it should be noted that Steve had steak again here, which makes it four nights in a row!!
In the evening we went along to the Italian restaurant, there are four a la cartes here, the Japanese, the Mexican, the Steak House and the Italian so we wanted to work our way around. It was very pleasant, but we did prefer the steak house and Mexican as our favourites although it should be noted that Steve had steak again here, which makes it four nights in a row!!
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 7
Today was our pre-arranged trip of visiting Chichen Itza. Thanks to seeing how people had dressed at Tulum, I was more prepared. Nothing tight on me today, I'd learnt my lesson from denim shorts and a tankini yesterday. No, today I was in a loose cotten mini skirt, and a bikini, with a sheer top over to conceal my shoulders! Our rep also said to take a book for the coach journey, water, lots of sun cream and an umbrella.
We were collected along with another American couple at 7.50, Steve didn't make it to breakfast, he slept instead, but I needed some juice and to fill our water bottles.
We had a mini bus that was soon full from collecting at other hotels and then we got to a massive 5 star one and had to change onto a coach. I did have time to nip to the very posh loos though!
Then two hours later, we were at a cenote which we could have had a dip in, but being 175 ft deep, both Steve and I were a little apprehensive. He'd have gone in, if I'd gone in, and vice versa, but neither of us were enamoured of it. It was beautiful though. The butterflies were amazing, lemon yellow and lime green and flying around in drove. Steve filmed them, and I swooshed at the them and they all flew around his camera looking like cartoons!!
Then our next stop was lunch, we had 'entertainment' during it, girls dancing with bottles of tequila on their heads and then asking for tips (which Steve did graciously give, he's getting better) and lunch was a buffet style just for tourists!
Then around 2pm we got to Chichen Itza. It was 45 degrees here, and I'm ashamed to say it, but I'm very English and considering it was 10 degrees a week ago for our wedding, I'm amazed I didn't faint away.
I got my umbrella up and hat on and sunglasses and went around looking slightly crazy but it was worth it to avoid the sunstroke and heat stroke I'm prone to. I shall censor any photos though, I looked like a shiny red tomato. Steve has started calling me his little lobster which I don't like.
The ruins were amazing, and our tour guide gave us a wonderful detailed commentary on the Mayans and the ruins for over an hour. Steve slipped away to film which I didn't mind as I was listening to the tour and we both got some good photos.
On Sundays, locals are allowed in for free, so there were lots of Mexicans wandering around too, and lots selling their wares which looked like a lot of tat to be honest. A lot of stalls had death and skeletons as their theme which I didn't get before the tour, but with all the sacrifices and imagaery remaining on the pyramids, it made sense afterwards.
Some of the things we learned:
The Mayans had royal families and babies had to have their heads shaped to show they were royal. This is where the sombrero came in, they'd put it on a babie's head so tightly, they'd make their heads a papaya shape. This was only done for royals. Sometimes, babies would be killed due to the tightness of the contraption, and if this were the case, they were dismissed as being a weak child and not worth being alive.
They had a lot of sports, and there is evidence for games with a bat and ball. Winners would live, and losers would die.
They would have warrier battles as well, and again, winners would live and losers would die, and have a head chisselled into a wall which we saw, with lots of skeleton heads in.
Every so often, 7 virgins would b sacrificed to bring water and rain, and it was an honour to be chosen for this. They'd be put in a white robe, and have a stone fastened to their feet and they'd all be pushed into a pool and drowned. Parents actually volunteered their own children for this.
When the Spanish invaded, they knocked some pyramids down to build churches and completely wiped out the Mayan culture. Recent excavations have been done around the site to paint a better picture. It was all very interesting anyhow.
We then headed back on the bus at 4 and got back for around 6pm to our hotel. We changed for dinner, and had drinks at a bar by the sea, Banana Mama for Steve and Cosmopolitan for me, and then went to the Steak Bar for dinner. We both had a t-bone and man, they were tasty. The steaks here are so delicious, they season them so well, and cook them to perfection.
I then having nearly fallen asleep in my dinner (I think the 45 degree hit had taken it's toll) was taken home by Steve and promptly crashed asleep immediately. Dreaming of delicious steak though :)
We were collected along with another American couple at 7.50, Steve didn't make it to breakfast, he slept instead, but I needed some juice and to fill our water bottles.
We had a mini bus that was soon full from collecting at other hotels and then we got to a massive 5 star one and had to change onto a coach. I did have time to nip to the very posh loos though!
Then two hours later, we were at a cenote which we could have had a dip in, but being 175 ft deep, both Steve and I were a little apprehensive. He'd have gone in, if I'd gone in, and vice versa, but neither of us were enamoured of it. It was beautiful though. The butterflies were amazing, lemon yellow and lime green and flying around in drove. Steve filmed them, and I swooshed at the them and they all flew around his camera looking like cartoons!!
Then our next stop was lunch, we had 'entertainment' during it, girls dancing with bottles of tequila on their heads and then asking for tips (which Steve did graciously give, he's getting better) and lunch was a buffet style just for tourists!
Then around 2pm we got to Chichen Itza. It was 45 degrees here, and I'm ashamed to say it, but I'm very English and considering it was 10 degrees a week ago for our wedding, I'm amazed I didn't faint away.
I got my umbrella up and hat on and sunglasses and went around looking slightly crazy but it was worth it to avoid the sunstroke and heat stroke I'm prone to. I shall censor any photos though, I looked like a shiny red tomato. Steve has started calling me his little lobster which I don't like.
The ruins were amazing, and our tour guide gave us a wonderful detailed commentary on the Mayans and the ruins for over an hour. Steve slipped away to film which I didn't mind as I was listening to the tour and we both got some good photos.
On Sundays, locals are allowed in for free, so there were lots of Mexicans wandering around too, and lots selling their wares which looked like a lot of tat to be honest. A lot of stalls had death and skeletons as their theme which I didn't get before the tour, but with all the sacrifices and imagaery remaining on the pyramids, it made sense afterwards.
Some of the things we learned:
The Mayans had royal families and babies had to have their heads shaped to show they were royal. This is where the sombrero came in, they'd put it on a babie's head so tightly, they'd make their heads a papaya shape. This was only done for royals. Sometimes, babies would be killed due to the tightness of the contraption, and if this were the case, they were dismissed as being a weak child and not worth being alive.
They had a lot of sports, and there is evidence for games with a bat and ball. Winners would live, and losers would die.
They would have warrier battles as well, and again, winners would live and losers would die, and have a head chisselled into a wall which we saw, with lots of skeleton heads in.
Every so often, 7 virgins would b sacrificed to bring water and rain, and it was an honour to be chosen for this. They'd be put in a white robe, and have a stone fastened to their feet and they'd all be pushed into a pool and drowned. Parents actually volunteered their own children for this.
When the Spanish invaded, they knocked some pyramids down to build churches and completely wiped out the Mayan culture. Recent excavations have been done around the site to paint a better picture. It was all very interesting anyhow.
We then headed back on the bus at 4 and got back for around 6pm to our hotel. We changed for dinner, and had drinks at a bar by the sea, Banana Mama for Steve and Cosmopolitan for me, and then went to the Steak Bar for dinner. We both had a t-bone and man, they were tasty. The steaks here are so delicious, they season them so well, and cook them to perfection.
I then having nearly fallen asleep in my dinner (I think the 45 degree hit had taken it's toll) was taken home by Steve and promptly crashed asleep immediately. Dreaming of delicious steak though :)
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 6
Well, after yesterdays adventures we had a quiet morning, me scowling at the sea when I could, and decided to go and visit Tulum, a smaller site of ruins.
We opted to go after midday, when we figured the sun wouldn't be so hot. I don't think it thinks like that at all! It's hot all afternoon!
Anyway, after lunch we were going to go, but Steve had a nap, and then it was 2pm. We weren't allowed a taxi, Steve wanted to see 'real Mexico' so we walked through Peurto Aventuras and out to the main road, and underneath a road was a 'collectivo' stand, a bus stop.
With neither of us speaking any Spanish we stood there feeling foolish, approaching a couple of mini buses but being told 'no' via a wagging finger. I attempted some spanish to enquire about buses, and it seems we just hail one, which we did and it worked. BUT it was very full, and the driver told us to get on so Steve and I stood, hunched over for over 1km, very sweaty and wondering if we were even going in the right direction. This bus pulls over all the time and just picks people up off the main road and drops them off, so we were able to get a seat shortly, and admittedly, it cost us 30 pesos each rather than the 300 for a taxi to the ruins.
Once there we walked the distance to the Tulum ruins and got tickets at 51 pesos to go in. We worked our way around the site, some lovely ruins and views, and the beach was amazing. Steve did a bit of filming and I sat in the shade with an iguana and we then headed down to the beach and bobbed in the crystal clear waters.
After some more time lapses we headed out again, and walking along were hailed to a collectivo so we didn't have to hail one on the main road. We were back before we knew it, and had successfully managed a day out on our own!
After showering and changing, we dressed up and went to the Mexican restaurant here. It was fabulous. We had nachos and guacamole to start, then our first course, then soup/salad, then we both had a steak, Steve went for fillet stuffed with cheese, and I had rump and they were delicious. We couldn't manage pudding, but Steve did knock back a cherry tequila, and back to our room we went, rolling rather than walking though.
We opted to go after midday, when we figured the sun wouldn't be so hot. I don't think it thinks like that at all! It's hot all afternoon!
Anyway, after lunch we were going to go, but Steve had a nap, and then it was 2pm. We weren't allowed a taxi, Steve wanted to see 'real Mexico' so we walked through Peurto Aventuras and out to the main road, and underneath a road was a 'collectivo' stand, a bus stop.
With neither of us speaking any Spanish we stood there feeling foolish, approaching a couple of mini buses but being told 'no' via a wagging finger. I attempted some spanish to enquire about buses, and it seems we just hail one, which we did and it worked. BUT it was very full, and the driver told us to get on so Steve and I stood, hunched over for over 1km, very sweaty and wondering if we were even going in the right direction. This bus pulls over all the time and just picks people up off the main road and drops them off, so we were able to get a seat shortly, and admittedly, it cost us 30 pesos each rather than the 300 for a taxi to the ruins.
Once there we walked the distance to the Tulum ruins and got tickets at 51 pesos to go in. We worked our way around the site, some lovely ruins and views, and the beach was amazing. Steve did a bit of filming and I sat in the shade with an iguana and we then headed down to the beach and bobbed in the crystal clear waters.
After some more time lapses we headed out again, and walking along were hailed to a collectivo so we didn't have to hail one on the main road. We were back before we knew it, and had successfully managed a day out on our own!
After showering and changing, we dressed up and went to the Mexican restaurant here. It was fabulous. We had nachos and guacamole to start, then our first course, then soup/salad, then we both had a steak, Steve went for fillet stuffed with cheese, and I had rump and they were delicious. We couldn't manage pudding, but Steve did knock back a cherry tequila, and back to our room we went, rolling rather than walking though.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 5
Today was a sad day.
We decided to go out on the sea kayaks, we can use them for an hour for free, so got them and went paddling off, Steve liked to ride them into the waves and hit them, which was fine, I coped and we went out to bob and rode the waves in again. In the beach cove there is a big coral reef, and we're not meant to go over it, there's not enough depth, and after about 45 minutes, we were over the coral, and sure enough, a big wave hit us and we capsized.
The coral is very sharp and scratchy painful, I was thrown onto it by the waves and buffeted about a lot. I completely panicked and couldn't get off, and the kayak was drifting to shore and Steve was trying to get me to swim off (I'd forgotten I could float) so I did, and got to shore, and my knee was scraped and bleeding, and my left wrist and I felt sore all over. I went to the beach shower to clean off whilst Steve returned the kayak and he came back looking devastated. I thought it was just the fact we'd had a shock and hurt ourselves, but in the melee, he lost his wedding ring. We'd been married for 6 days and it was gone to the sea already. We both cried, I was so upset. I know it was a complete accident, and I was wearing mine too, so I could easily have lost them and I kicked myself for not thinking of taking them off, but Steve's didn't come off easily, so it never crossed our minds.
We were both pretty upset and Steve was feeling terrible, and going to our room to put plasters on and antiseptic, we were very cross at the sea. We did go out snorkelling but the sea was rough and we couldn't swim over the coral. Steve says it's gone, I'm still hoping it turns up somehow before we go but if not, then I'm buying another one exactly the same. He says he'll lose it too, but I want him to have a proper wedding ring, and since he picked it last time, it'll have to be that one. I want him to have it and can't believe he didn't make a week before he lost it :(
After all that, we went to Playa Del Carmen at 6 on the bus and had a nice evening walking through the town. We found a Wal-Mart, (I did look at mens rings but they were naff and very pricey) and got aloe vera for our sun burn, and then went along the street to find a cafe suitable for Steve to do another time lapse. There were lots of stray kitties around, and as we'd missed dinner, we got some food, I had a prawn quesiddila and shared the remainder prawns with a cat under our table. It liked them.
Then home again at 11 and to bed.
We decided to go out on the sea kayaks, we can use them for an hour for free, so got them and went paddling off, Steve liked to ride them into the waves and hit them, which was fine, I coped and we went out to bob and rode the waves in again. In the beach cove there is a big coral reef, and we're not meant to go over it, there's not enough depth, and after about 45 minutes, we were over the coral, and sure enough, a big wave hit us and we capsized.
The coral is very sharp and scratchy painful, I was thrown onto it by the waves and buffeted about a lot. I completely panicked and couldn't get off, and the kayak was drifting to shore and Steve was trying to get me to swim off (I'd forgotten I could float) so I did, and got to shore, and my knee was scraped and bleeding, and my left wrist and I felt sore all over. I went to the beach shower to clean off whilst Steve returned the kayak and he came back looking devastated. I thought it was just the fact we'd had a shock and hurt ourselves, but in the melee, he lost his wedding ring. We'd been married for 6 days and it was gone to the sea already. We both cried, I was so upset. I know it was a complete accident, and I was wearing mine too, so I could easily have lost them and I kicked myself for not thinking of taking them off, but Steve's didn't come off easily, so it never crossed our minds.
We were both pretty upset and Steve was feeling terrible, and going to our room to put plasters on and antiseptic, we were very cross at the sea. We did go out snorkelling but the sea was rough and we couldn't swim over the coral. Steve says it's gone, I'm still hoping it turns up somehow before we go but if not, then I'm buying another one exactly the same. He says he'll lose it too, but I want him to have a proper wedding ring, and since he picked it last time, it'll have to be that one. I want him to have it and can't believe he didn't make a week before he lost it :(
After all that, we went to Playa Del Carmen at 6 on the bus and had a nice evening walking through the town. We found a Wal-Mart, (I did look at mens rings but they were naff and very pricey) and got aloe vera for our sun burn, and then went along the street to find a cafe suitable for Steve to do another time lapse. There were lots of stray kitties around, and as we'd missed dinner, we got some food, I had a prawn quesiddila and shared the remainder prawns with a cat under our table. It liked them.
Then home again at 11 and to bed.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 4
Steve is now done with relaxing and ready for exploring, so we lazed around for the morning, Steve finished his book, I bobbed in the sea and after lunch we strolled down to Puerto Aventuras which is the village/town our hotel is in.
It was scorching hot and the moment we're away from the sea, the heat really gets you. I'd always felt that I didn't sweat, men get the beads on their foreheads but I'd never had that problem. Until today. Man, I was dripping and just so wet with it, it was awful!!
We found our way to the Marina where Steve hired a boat to take us fishing next Tuesday. I've never fished, but I'm going along with as Steve is very excited at the possibility of catching a marlin, mahi mahi or a sail fish.
We then saw the dolphin place and got to see some of their training which was great. I sat in the shade and Steve tried to take pictures but on my camera which was a bit slow for him!
We headed back after buying some postcards and booked ourselves onto the hotel bus which goes to Playa Del Carmen, the nearest big town on Friday night.
We then decided to try out one of the a la carte restarants and got dressed up and got a seat for 8.30 at the Japanese restaurant.
This was a meal with a bit of a show as the Japanese chef cooks right in front of you and throws food around in the air and it was very fun to watch. We were two English folk with a party of 10 American friends which was a little disconcerting to start with, but they were chatty and friendly.
We headed back to our room afterwards, full and sleepy! Another good day.
It was scorching hot and the moment we're away from the sea, the heat really gets you. I'd always felt that I didn't sweat, men get the beads on their foreheads but I'd never had that problem. Until today. Man, I was dripping and just so wet with it, it was awful!!
We found our way to the Marina where Steve hired a boat to take us fishing next Tuesday. I've never fished, but I'm going along with as Steve is very excited at the possibility of catching a marlin, mahi mahi or a sail fish.
We then saw the dolphin place and got to see some of their training which was great. I sat in the shade and Steve tried to take pictures but on my camera which was a bit slow for him!
We headed back after buying some postcards and booked ourselves onto the hotel bus which goes to Playa Del Carmen, the nearest big town on Friday night.
We then decided to try out one of the a la carte restarants and got dressed up and got a seat for 8.30 at the Japanese restaurant.
This was a meal with a bit of a show as the Japanese chef cooks right in front of you and throws food around in the air and it was very fun to watch. We were two English folk with a party of 10 American friends which was a little disconcerting to start with, but they were chatty and friendly.
We headed back to our room afterwards, full and sleepy! Another good day.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Our Honeymoon Day 3
Another relaxing and hot day here in Mexico. This morning Steve went up to the Terrace roof top to film his sunrise. I didn't go, and tidied our room a bit, (I know we have a maid here, but it makes me tidier!!) and then managed to get him away for breakfast.
We had a morning of snorkelling and I got better at it. We went all round the lagoon which was nice, and then into the sea. Apparently there are barracdas about and I wouldn't want to meet one of them, but near the shore its lovely just bobbing about.
We went back to meet Christian and booked a trip to Chichen Itza which is a site of Mayan pyramids and ruins. They had a built a pyramid which represented our calender as we know it today over 2000 years ago with days, weeks and months all represented. It sounded fascinating.
We also mentioned to Christian that we were on our honeymoon and would it be possible to move rooms to one with a bigger bed. As it's so hot, Steve keeps saying I sprawl and am kicking him out in my sleep (!) so gets into the other one and disappears in the morning to film, so a bed for both of us would be prefereable.
Straight away we got to see another room which we liked, nearer to the pools so we moved our stuff in and settled in.
Dinner tonight was at the buffet, and was Mexican night. Steve has been overdoing it I think and keeps getting a painful tummy. Glad I packed the gaviscon for him. He may have mocked my first aid kit, but he's appreciating it now!
Both of us quite weary with the heat so went to bed early!
We had a morning of snorkelling and I got better at it. We went all round the lagoon which was nice, and then into the sea. Apparently there are barracdas about and I wouldn't want to meet one of them, but near the shore its lovely just bobbing about.
We went back to meet Christian and booked a trip to Chichen Itza which is a site of Mayan pyramids and ruins. They had a built a pyramid which represented our calender as we know it today over 2000 years ago with days, weeks and months all represented. It sounded fascinating.
We also mentioned to Christian that we were on our honeymoon and would it be possible to move rooms to one with a bigger bed. As it's so hot, Steve keeps saying I sprawl and am kicking him out in my sleep (!) so gets into the other one and disappears in the morning to film, so a bed for both of us would be prefereable.
Straight away we got to see another room which we liked, nearer to the pools so we moved our stuff in and settled in.
Dinner tonight was at the buffet, and was Mexican night. Steve has been overdoing it I think and keeps getting a painful tummy. Glad I packed the gaviscon for him. He may have mocked my first aid kit, but he's appreciating it now!
Both of us quite weary with the heat so went to bed early!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
The Honeymoon Day 2
We woke up at about 5am, our systems being on English time despite the late nights and funny hours. I'd hardly had chance to say 'good morning' to Steve when he muttered, 'I'm going to do a time lapse of the sunrise on the beach' and he was gone.
I got up and dressed and headed off to find him, and there he was, filming away, so we sat together for a bit and it was nice, seeing the sun rise with him. Little did I know at this point that I would despair of the words 'time' and 'lapse' when used together.
We then had breakfast at around 7am, a lovely selection of all things, cereals, fruits, juices, hot stuff with bacon, sausages, pancakes and mexican things like tortillas and enchiladas!!
At 9.30am we had a meeting with our Thomson rep, Christian and he told us bits and pieces which was useful.
Then we had a day relaxing, getting to know the place and swimming. I had a go at snorkelling which was ok, but I didn't like the feeling of the goggles on my face!
For dinner we went to the Tapas resaurant on the roof top, we'd missed lunch after eating too much from the snack bar all day and didn't want to eat much. It was so romantic and food was beautifully presented. We sat outside, in the breeze eating scallops, crab with avacado and it was perfect. Afterwards, we went to the Creperie next door! Steve had a pancake, I couldn't manage anything else but had a milkshake that was lovely.
Just taking the oppurtunity to relax and sit and be still, lying under swaying palms, it's wonderful.
I got up and dressed and headed off to find him, and there he was, filming away, so we sat together for a bit and it was nice, seeing the sun rise with him. Little did I know at this point that I would despair of the words 'time' and 'lapse' when used together.
We then had breakfast at around 7am, a lovely selection of all things, cereals, fruits, juices, hot stuff with bacon, sausages, pancakes and mexican things like tortillas and enchiladas!!
At 9.30am we had a meeting with our Thomson rep, Christian and he told us bits and pieces which was useful.
Then we had a day relaxing, getting to know the place and swimming. I had a go at snorkelling which was ok, but I didn't like the feeling of the goggles on my face!
For dinner we went to the Tapas resaurant on the roof top, we'd missed lunch after eating too much from the snack bar all day and didn't want to eat much. It was so romantic and food was beautifully presented. We sat outside, in the breeze eating scallops, crab with avacado and it was perfect. Afterwards, we went to the Creperie next door! Steve had a pancake, I couldn't manage anything else but had a milkshake that was lovely.
Just taking the oppurtunity to relax and sit and be still, lying under swaying palms, it's wonderful.
Monday, 3 May 2010
The Honeymoon Day 1
We set off from the Hilton after a great breakfast, the lovely van man took us direct to the airport rather than dropping us off at the station so we were pretty early. We checked in and got seats together which pleased me, I was worried that we wouldn't be able to.
Flights all went on time, we had a nice time mooching around the airport which did seem very quiet, and then we were on the plane!
For 10.5 hours.
It did get boring. We watched a couple of films and tv, played some of the games on there too and read our books. We even talked a bit but we weren't by a window so couldn't see a lot and man, it was a long journey. We were flying into the sun so as the UK time got later and later, it was actually quite early by Mexican time!!
We landed and whoompf, we felt the heat immediately. Checking into Mexico took a while, there are a lot of forms, baggage took ages, customs worried me due to Steve's equipment but that was all sorted readily. Then we went to the Thomsons rep who sent us to a bus who passed us to another bus then a mini bus. It was the right one though and an hour later, we pulled up to our hotel and a bellboy took our luggage and we got a cold drink which was most welcome in our hands and there we were. On our honeymoon.
Our room was standard, and had two double beds in, but was very clean and tidy so we unpacked and went for a wander. We found our way to the restaurant, and alhough we'd had a sandwich on the plane at 7pm English time, here it was only 6pm so we found ourselves eating some more from the buffet and drinking mojitos. It was at this point Steve realised the appeal of the all inclusive. You can have anything, anywhere, anytime, so tequila shots were suddenly on the menu, just because!!
After our nibbles, we found the beach and Steve was in the water. It was night, and I didn't want him swimming out not knowing the lie of the land. So in he came, and we headed back to the room but once I was asleep he went out again and got drunk on tequila. Honestly, men.
Flights all went on time, we had a nice time mooching around the airport which did seem very quiet, and then we were on the plane!
For 10.5 hours.
It did get boring. We watched a couple of films and tv, played some of the games on there too and read our books. We even talked a bit but we weren't by a window so couldn't see a lot and man, it was a long journey. We were flying into the sun so as the UK time got later and later, it was actually quite early by Mexican time!!
We landed and whoompf, we felt the heat immediately. Checking into Mexico took a while, there are a lot of forms, baggage took ages, customs worried me due to Steve's equipment but that was all sorted readily. Then we went to the Thomsons rep who sent us to a bus who passed us to another bus then a mini bus. It was the right one though and an hour later, we pulled up to our hotel and a bellboy took our luggage and we got a cold drink which was most welcome in our hands and there we were. On our honeymoon.
Our room was standard, and had two double beds in, but was very clean and tidy so we unpacked and went for a wander. We found our way to the restaurant, and alhough we'd had a sandwich on the plane at 7pm English time, here it was only 6pm so we found ourselves eating some more from the buffet and drinking mojitos. It was at this point Steve realised the appeal of the all inclusive. You can have anything, anywhere, anytime, so tequila shots were suddenly on the menu, just because!!
After our nibbles, we found the beach and Steve was in the water. It was night, and I didn't want him swimming out not knowing the lie of the land. So in he came, and we headed back to the room but once I was asleep he went out again and got drunk on tequila. Honestly, men.
The Day in Detail...
This was my last day at work, and I got in to the office to be faced with lots of posters and pictures and I had balloons and confetti strewn across my desk! People kept coming in all day to say congratulations and it felt very surreal, knowing I wouldn’t be back as a Miss again.
We like any excuse to eat in my office, so we had a buffet lunch and sat and grazed all afternoon until 4pm when I headed off and said my goodbyes to everyone.
There wasn’t too much left to do, organisation wise, just the table plan remaining, and we heard that evening that one of Steve’s cousins little girls had come down with chicken pox and with so many children coming, and a pregnant friend, we said that it would be better to not have the little girl there (she’s 9 months) so we weren’t sure whether the parents would make it or not.
I had a day at home cleaning the place up, dusting, vacuuming and changing sheets over. Who wants to come back to a dirty house?! Steve was around and although he wasn’t the most helpful, he did try. Except when his Mum rang to invite us to dinner and he invited them (6 of them) to us for dinner instead!! So I made two large cottage pies and veggies and they brought a pudding and so I ended up hosting a meal instead.
At 6.30 though beforehand we had the wedding rehearsal and it went pretty well except when Steve looked at me to say his vows and I burst into noisy sobs. I don’t tend to cry in a neat way, I’m all red and snotty, so everyone was laughing at me, and I was laughing at myself, but terrified of repeating that on Sunday.
After the dinner when I got home, Mum and Dad had been working hard all evening on the orders of service so I felt bad for leaving them to it, but they were lovely.
I awoke at the crazy hour of 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep, so decided to go with it, and went to make the table plan. We’d not had anything confirmed by Steve’s cousin regarding the chicken pox so decided to go ahead with it anyway as it was, so I cut out the pieces and arranged them on the board and designed bits of butterflies and all, but didn’t stick it down in case my parents wanted anything amending. They were up at 6, and thought it was fine so out came the glue!
Then came the loading. Mum had put everything we needed in the lounge and Steve’s family were coming over to load up all the wine and booze to take to Littywood in the afternoon, but for the morning, we were setting up the Church. My banners were taken along and folk were there already cleaning and arranging the flowers. It was so lovely that so many people were involved in the setting up.
At 10.30 I had to go into town for my nails and toes to be painted, so I left both families hard at work and went to be pampered!! Totally worth it, my nails are normally chewed ugly things but on all the photos I've seen, it was a good decision!
Afterwards, I headed back to Mum and Dad’s where my sister had turned up and we got McDonalds as take away for the four of us which was a nice last meal really, not the healthiest but I’ve been without it for at least a couple of months on the diet and the day before wouldn’t do too much harm.
After lunch it was time to head to Littywood and see the marquee and decorate it, and when I walked in, I was blown away with how beautiful it all was. Seriously, it was like someone else’s wedding or something!! I had it all pictured in my mind, but seeing it all laid out, it was huge!!
We set up tables and put out the message tree, with tags and the birdcage post box, then a cake table with the wooden letters and the cupcake stand, and Dad had arranged all the flowers in the jars which mum had saved and I tied ribbon onto and it was more than perfect! Everything worked out beautifully, the table plan in its frame had pearls and roses wound around it and the favours looked beautiful with the place names and table names.
At 6pm we headed home knowing it would all look stunning the next day and hoping for dry weather and a bit of sunshine for photos.
I cooked omlettes for tea, we just wanted something light, and we watched a bit of television whilst drinking red wine to help knock us out. I was shattered from such a long day and was dreading waking up to look haggard the next day.
I actually slept pretty well, I did wake at 4 but went back to sleep. I got up at 6.30 and went to have a cup of tea with my parents and Amy joined us. Sarah texted to say she and her family were on their way and the day was underway. With the hairdresser coming for 9.30 I showered and then had breakfast and we got the set underway. I had to sit under a silly hat thing for 30 minutes and the moment it was off the photographer, Chris arrived which I was very glad about. I didn’t want me looking silly and red on any official pics!
Steve had sent me a present via my sister which I opened and was a beautiful butterfly white gold necklace with diamonds and I loved it instantly. He also put it in a box with an Edward Monkton love token saying I Love You on a bit silver heart, so for a moment I thought I’d have to wear a massive necklace before seeing the smaller, more ‘me’ necklace within the box!!
Once the hair was done, the flowers were delivered, and Sharon did a wonderful job. They were beautiful, the only problem being I’d forgotten to order a button hole for my brothers-in-law which I’d intended to, they didn’t mind too much (I hope) but it was a shame.
Chris started taking photos of everything and us getting our make up on. I was wearing one of Dad’s old shirts so as to have a button front top on and the pics are great.
Sarah arrived and with the twins everything went a little more chaotic, but it wasn’t too bad. We snacked on cheese oatcakes and pizzas and then at 12 put our dresses on for some formal photos of the family. We went in the garden and it was sooo cold!
Chris went to the Church at 1 to take Steve’s family photos and we had quite a waiting game from herein. The car arrived at 1,30 which was pretty early, and Karl and Aaron went to play in it. The waiting was really getting to me and I had a wobble moment, and had to calm down.
Amy and Mum decided to go on up and see who was around and say hello to people and then suddenly I remembered my veil! It was hanging over a spare bottle of gin to straighten it out a bit, so Sarah and I rushed upstairs and fitted it, and I decided to go with it. I liked it for a reason, and Sarah, having not been sure, agreed! So down we went, and out to the car, and it was lovely as lots of neighbours came out to see me heading off, and Dad was pleased as punch.
We got in the car, and drove over to the Tech Park which is where our church is and about 2 minutes away but we went the back way so no-one would see us. We went in a side door to church and Sarah and Amy were there and by now it was just 2pm and the registrar was waiting for us as I had to answer questions beforehand! I was secretly pleased as I’d wanted to be a bit late!!
Once that was done, Chris, our church leader and the registrar went back to the front, and announced my arrival, and then it started…. Umbrella by the Manic Street Preachers and in went Mum with the boys, then Sarah with Amy and then me and Dad.

It was a whirlwind, the church was packed with 200 people and I knew all the faces, there were my Uni friends, my work friends, my family, church friends, I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat and waving and smiling at everyone one I knew and I completely forgot to look at Steve, and suddenly, there he was, so handsome and tall and waiting for me!!

It was great that we just went straight into singing, it helped me gather myself and Steve told me I looked beautiful and my dress was the right one for me!! We made it through the service until the vows and we had to look at each other, and I amazed myself, I said my words clearly and loudly, and without any tears! I apparently lost Steve money on the sweepstake he had with his brothers, but hey ho. I didn’t cry!! Steve held the service up as he didn’t kiss me as it wasn’t in the script, so I sort of hissed – ‘you’re meant to kiss me now’ and we all laughed and kissed and everyone clapped!!
After our readings, address and a bit more singing, we signed the register and were married. We walked out to much laughter with the Theme tine to Jurassic Park, (some wondered whether it was Star Wars!!) and into the back hall for a much needed cup of tea!

We got to say some hellos to people and then we headed off in the car to the reception. Unfortunately my hair couldn’t withstand the wind of the convertible much so came a little loose but I only realised after seeing photos so it didn’t bother me on the day!!

At the reception we had a bit of a receiving line with my parents and Steve’s parents, as there were so many people it was the only way we’d really get to say hello to everyone, and it didn’t take long, just 30 minutes then we got the photos underway.
By now it was really chilly outside and people didn’t want to be kept hanging around, so we just did the skeleton ones, of the families and ditched the others, trusting in the photographers reportage skills!! We did get a formal one in the church of everyone there, and a bit group one at the reception too though.

Then I got to mingle a bit and try the canapés that were being brought around and had a hair and make up check in my room upstairs with Sarah and Amy in time for the entrance for the wedding breakfast. My Dad announced us and put on Mendhelsons’ wedding march which Steve didn’t know about but he went with it!!

The meal was lovely, bowls of salads on the tables and beef, ham, salmon served and rolls and potatoes. Then scones, fruit cake and the wedding cupcakes and I think everyone enjoyed it, and thought it was a bit different.

Then came the speeches. Steve had a minor wobble after losing part of his, but it was located and he was fine. My Dad went first, and he got me weeping in the end. It was a quite emotional speech, he talked about our bond, and his pride in me being baptised and involved in church, playing in the worship band and he had some lovely words to say about Steve too.

Steve did brilliantly, he was so nervous but you couldn’t tell in the slightest, and he got some laughs. His brother Nick was best man and his really hit the right tone. Steve used to write songs when younger and Nick got hold of one and played it and people were waving their arms and Steve just buried his head on the table!! It was a very funny moment.

And then the music started and people were chatting and milling. My cousin had brought a Chinese lantern with her for us to light and being tipsy by this point, I was just wondering whether it was allowed and sensible by a marquee but it went off really well and was a lovely touch to the evening!

It was at this point we went and changed into our going away outfits as we were heading away on our honeymoon directly. Nick took charge of our luggage and was driving us to the Birmingham Airport Hilton. I went round saying goodbye to folk, and felt sad we were going but excited to be going at the same time.

And people waved us off and kept dancing and chatting and eating and it was a lovely and perfect day and just how I’d always imagined it would be. All the favours were taken, people really appreciated all the personal touches and the home made details, and I was very chuffed that everyone thought it was a very different and personal wedding, right from the ceremony to the reception.
Anyway, if you’ve made it this far, here’s the carrot!!
These are some of our official photographs from our photographer friend ☺and they're great!
This was my last day at work, and I got in to the office to be faced with lots of posters and pictures and I had balloons and confetti strewn across my desk! People kept coming in all day to say congratulations and it felt very surreal, knowing I wouldn’t be back as a Miss again.
We like any excuse to eat in my office, so we had a buffet lunch and sat and grazed all afternoon until 4pm when I headed off and said my goodbyes to everyone.
There wasn’t too much left to do, organisation wise, just the table plan remaining, and we heard that evening that one of Steve’s cousins little girls had come down with chicken pox and with so many children coming, and a pregnant friend, we said that it would be better to not have the little girl there (she’s 9 months) so we weren’t sure whether the parents would make it or not.
I had a day at home cleaning the place up, dusting, vacuuming and changing sheets over. Who wants to come back to a dirty house?! Steve was around and although he wasn’t the most helpful, he did try. Except when his Mum rang to invite us to dinner and he invited them (6 of them) to us for dinner instead!! So I made two large cottage pies and veggies and they brought a pudding and so I ended up hosting a meal instead.
At 6.30 though beforehand we had the wedding rehearsal and it went pretty well except when Steve looked at me to say his vows and I burst into noisy sobs. I don’t tend to cry in a neat way, I’m all red and snotty, so everyone was laughing at me, and I was laughing at myself, but terrified of repeating that on Sunday.
After the dinner when I got home, Mum and Dad had been working hard all evening on the orders of service so I felt bad for leaving them to it, but they were lovely.
I awoke at the crazy hour of 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep, so decided to go with it, and went to make the table plan. We’d not had anything confirmed by Steve’s cousin regarding the chicken pox so decided to go ahead with it anyway as it was, so I cut out the pieces and arranged them on the board and designed bits of butterflies and all, but didn’t stick it down in case my parents wanted anything amending. They were up at 6, and thought it was fine so out came the glue!
Then came the loading. Mum had put everything we needed in the lounge and Steve’s family were coming over to load up all the wine and booze to take to Littywood in the afternoon, but for the morning, we were setting up the Church. My banners were taken along and folk were there already cleaning and arranging the flowers. It was so lovely that so many people were involved in the setting up.
At 10.30 I had to go into town for my nails and toes to be painted, so I left both families hard at work and went to be pampered!! Totally worth it, my nails are normally chewed ugly things but on all the photos I've seen, it was a good decision!
Afterwards, I headed back to Mum and Dad’s where my sister had turned up and we got McDonalds as take away for the four of us which was a nice last meal really, not the healthiest but I’ve been without it for at least a couple of months on the diet and the day before wouldn’t do too much harm.
After lunch it was time to head to Littywood and see the marquee and decorate it, and when I walked in, I was blown away with how beautiful it all was. Seriously, it was like someone else’s wedding or something!! I had it all pictured in my mind, but seeing it all laid out, it was huge!!
We set up tables and put out the message tree, with tags and the birdcage post box, then a cake table with the wooden letters and the cupcake stand, and Dad had arranged all the flowers in the jars which mum had saved and I tied ribbon onto and it was more than perfect! Everything worked out beautifully, the table plan in its frame had pearls and roses wound around it and the favours looked beautiful with the place names and table names.
At 6pm we headed home knowing it would all look stunning the next day and hoping for dry weather and a bit of sunshine for photos.
I cooked omlettes for tea, we just wanted something light, and we watched a bit of television whilst drinking red wine to help knock us out. I was shattered from such a long day and was dreading waking up to look haggard the next day.
I actually slept pretty well, I did wake at 4 but went back to sleep. I got up at 6.30 and went to have a cup of tea with my parents and Amy joined us. Sarah texted to say she and her family were on their way and the day was underway. With the hairdresser coming for 9.30 I showered and then had breakfast and we got the set underway. I had to sit under a silly hat thing for 30 minutes and the moment it was off the photographer, Chris arrived which I was very glad about. I didn’t want me looking silly and red on any official pics!
Steve had sent me a present via my sister which I opened and was a beautiful butterfly white gold necklace with diamonds and I loved it instantly. He also put it in a box with an Edward Monkton love token saying I Love You on a bit silver heart, so for a moment I thought I’d have to wear a massive necklace before seeing the smaller, more ‘me’ necklace within the box!!
Once the hair was done, the flowers were delivered, and Sharon did a wonderful job. They were beautiful, the only problem being I’d forgotten to order a button hole for my brothers-in-law which I’d intended to, they didn’t mind too much (I hope) but it was a shame.
Chris started taking photos of everything and us getting our make up on. I was wearing one of Dad’s old shirts so as to have a button front top on and the pics are great.
Sarah arrived and with the twins everything went a little more chaotic, but it wasn’t too bad. We snacked on cheese oatcakes and pizzas and then at 12 put our dresses on for some formal photos of the family. We went in the garden and it was sooo cold!
Chris went to the Church at 1 to take Steve’s family photos and we had quite a waiting game from herein. The car arrived at 1,30 which was pretty early, and Karl and Aaron went to play in it. The waiting was really getting to me and I had a wobble moment, and had to calm down.
Amy and Mum decided to go on up and see who was around and say hello to people and then suddenly I remembered my veil! It was hanging over a spare bottle of gin to straighten it out a bit, so Sarah and I rushed upstairs and fitted it, and I decided to go with it. I liked it for a reason, and Sarah, having not been sure, agreed! So down we went, and out to the car, and it was lovely as lots of neighbours came out to see me heading off, and Dad was pleased as punch.
We got in the car, and drove over to the Tech Park which is where our church is and about 2 minutes away but we went the back way so no-one would see us. We went in a side door to church and Sarah and Amy were there and by now it was just 2pm and the registrar was waiting for us as I had to answer questions beforehand! I was secretly pleased as I’d wanted to be a bit late!!
Once that was done, Chris, our church leader and the registrar went back to the front, and announced my arrival, and then it started…. Umbrella by the Manic Street Preachers and in went Mum with the boys, then Sarah with Amy and then me and Dad.

It was a whirlwind, the church was packed with 200 people and I knew all the faces, there were my Uni friends, my work friends, my family, church friends, I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat and waving and smiling at everyone one I knew and I completely forgot to look at Steve, and suddenly, there he was, so handsome and tall and waiting for me!!

It was great that we just went straight into singing, it helped me gather myself and Steve told me I looked beautiful and my dress was the right one for me!! We made it through the service until the vows and we had to look at each other, and I amazed myself, I said my words clearly and loudly, and without any tears! I apparently lost Steve money on the sweepstake he had with his brothers, but hey ho. I didn’t cry!! Steve held the service up as he didn’t kiss me as it wasn’t in the script, so I sort of hissed – ‘you’re meant to kiss me now’ and we all laughed and kissed and everyone clapped!!
After our readings, address and a bit more singing, we signed the register and were married. We walked out to much laughter with the Theme tine to Jurassic Park, (some wondered whether it was Star Wars!!) and into the back hall for a much needed cup of tea!

We got to say some hellos to people and then we headed off in the car to the reception. Unfortunately my hair couldn’t withstand the wind of the convertible much so came a little loose but I only realised after seeing photos so it didn’t bother me on the day!!

At the reception we had a bit of a receiving line with my parents and Steve’s parents, as there were so many people it was the only way we’d really get to say hello to everyone, and it didn’t take long, just 30 minutes then we got the photos underway.
By now it was really chilly outside and people didn’t want to be kept hanging around, so we just did the skeleton ones, of the families and ditched the others, trusting in the photographers reportage skills!! We did get a formal one in the church of everyone there, and a bit group one at the reception too though.

Then I got to mingle a bit and try the canapés that were being brought around and had a hair and make up check in my room upstairs with Sarah and Amy in time for the entrance for the wedding breakfast. My Dad announced us and put on Mendhelsons’ wedding march which Steve didn’t know about but he went with it!!

The meal was lovely, bowls of salads on the tables and beef, ham, salmon served and rolls and potatoes. Then scones, fruit cake and the wedding cupcakes and I think everyone enjoyed it, and thought it was a bit different.

Then came the speeches. Steve had a minor wobble after losing part of his, but it was located and he was fine. My Dad went first, and he got me weeping in the end. It was a quite emotional speech, he talked about our bond, and his pride in me being baptised and involved in church, playing in the worship band and he had some lovely words to say about Steve too.

Steve did brilliantly, he was so nervous but you couldn’t tell in the slightest, and he got some laughs. His brother Nick was best man and his really hit the right tone. Steve used to write songs when younger and Nick got hold of one and played it and people were waving their arms and Steve just buried his head on the table!! It was a very funny moment.

And then the music started and people were chatting and milling. My cousin had brought a Chinese lantern with her for us to light and being tipsy by this point, I was just wondering whether it was allowed and sensible by a marquee but it went off really well and was a lovely touch to the evening!

It was at this point we went and changed into our going away outfits as we were heading away on our honeymoon directly. Nick took charge of our luggage and was driving us to the Birmingham Airport Hilton. I went round saying goodbye to folk, and felt sad we were going but excited to be going at the same time.

And people waved us off and kept dancing and chatting and eating and it was a lovely and perfect day and just how I’d always imagined it would be. All the favours were taken, people really appreciated all the personal touches and the home made details, and I was very chuffed that everyone thought it was a very different and personal wedding, right from the ceremony to the reception.
Anyway, if you’ve made it this far, here’s the carrot!!
These are some of our official photographs from our photographer friend ☺and they're great!
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Blast Off.
Today is the day.
And red wine worked! I was out like a light last night, went to bed for 10pm and found a text from Wendy at 10.45 that didn't even wake me!
I was a bit disturbed at 4am when someone went to the bathroom and woke me up, but I guess I managed to get back to sleep again as suddenly it's 6.30am!
And I feel a lot better than I did yesterday morning which pleases me.
It's so strange to think I'm now counting in hours rather than days, and the hours are going to disappear.
The hairdresser is arriving for 9.30, the photographer for 11.30.
And I get to finally wear my dress!
And it's sunny :)
See you on the other side.
Today is the day.
And red wine worked! I was out like a light last night, went to bed for 10pm and found a text from Wendy at 10.45 that didn't even wake me!
I was a bit disturbed at 4am when someone went to the bathroom and woke me up, but I guess I managed to get back to sleep again as suddenly it's 6.30am!
And I feel a lot better than I did yesterday morning which pleases me.
It's so strange to think I'm now counting in hours rather than days, and the hours are going to disappear.
The hairdresser is arriving for 9.30, the photographer for 11.30.
And I get to finally wear my dress!
And it's sunny :)
See you on the other side.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
My last day!
I was awake at four and up doing the table plan! I just couldn't sleep so am feeling rather drained at the moment and hoping I sleep tonight.
The marquee is so beautiful, and it all looks totally ravishing. Everything came together and I'm so proud of my family for it all. A lot of hard work has totally gone into this weekend.
My last meals were a Big Mac meal for lunch with the family (I've not had one for soo long and I do like a Big Mac!) and then an omlette and salad for dinner, (just fancied something light).
Anyway, I'm off to drink some wine (to help me sleep, medicinal don't you know) and watch Dr Who.
Bed early, then up tomorrow for the hairdresser at 9.30.
And it'll all begin :)
I was awake at four and up doing the table plan! I just couldn't sleep so am feeling rather drained at the moment and hoping I sleep tonight.
The marquee is so beautiful, and it all looks totally ravishing. Everything came together and I'm so proud of my family for it all. A lot of hard work has totally gone into this weekend.
My last meals were a Big Mac meal for lunch with the family (I've not had one for soo long and I do like a Big Mac!) and then an omlette and salad for dinner, (just fancied something light).
Anyway, I'm off to drink some wine (to help me sleep, medicinal don't you know) and watch Dr Who.
Bed early, then up tomorrow for the hairdresser at 9.30.
And it'll all begin :)
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