And at £9.99 each, it was more feasable to purchase 15 at a cost of £150 to then use for one day, and sell on Ebay afterwards to maybe even make a profit.
Anywho, they've gone up to £15.00 since then (not including VAT) which means I can't likely afford them, and more to the point, the website I found them on called 'verynice2.com' has some dreadful reviews of folk having paid, the money going through, and no products being sent. It seems that the website has gone under, and when I called them (before having seen this site) there is a huge phone network of dial this for these and lots of different voices, but no-one actually there to speak to.
Waaay to risky. So now we're going to wait until a month before, and email the family and the church and as I have a stand, I'm sure we can borrow 14 more of folk. For free! They won't match, but I don't think it'll matter. It's more the look of the stands, laden with cakey goodness that I'm after.
More trials and torment in the wedding planning!
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